
  • 13 Jun 2016


  • 31 Oct 2014


    Happy Halloween!!

    Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!! It’s Halloween season once again.. Don’t be afraid to upgrade your payroll and accounting system! Call us now at (02) 887.33.01 to learn more how we can help you or be spooked!

  • 31 Jul 2014


    Issues with Bundy Clock

    Did you know that majority of company losses are due to employee time theft, related to their attendance? And the reason behind it-the old & inaccurate Bundy Clock system!!

    Does your office still have this? Time to let go of the OLD ways and start upgrading to Biometric Payroll system now! Talk to us at (02) 887.33.01 to learn more.

  • 30 Jul 2014


    Why you should Automate your Accounting System?

    Still doing manual accounting?? Technology is here and you should be automating your #accounting system NOW! Here are some reasons why you should! Want to know more how? Call us now for more details. #accountingsystem #visitasolutions

  • 02 Jun 2014


    VSI as featured in Philippine Star

    From being an exporter of ready-made garments and importer of hardware, office and sporting goods for over two decades, Visita Group has decided to diversify its operations to foray into the business of software development to meet the country’s growing demand for IT solutions.

  • 30 May 2014


    Creamline team up with Visita Solutions!

    World class Ice cream maker company, engages Visita Solutions as their Biometric Payroll provider! Life is sweet!