For most businesses, HR department is one of the most bombarded when it comes to the paperwork and other tasks. They have to deal with the customers and have to make sure the team is working well while under the pressure of urgency because every second counts.
When it comes to HR, employee relations, documents and administrative tasks fills up the list and eats up most of the time that could be used to something more valuable and productive. In the end, it consumes the HR director or manager with only few legit and important tasks done while leaving no energy or manpower for bigger jobs like strategizing or paving way to find the next great applicant.
So, to make it all easier, here are some processes that actually doesn’t need to be the focus of the efforts and funds on your HR:
The Boost-up for your Starters
Integration and familiarization of new employees is very important to the company. Their first impressions will be a part /factor as to whether they will stay or last with their employment.
But the thing is, you don’t have to spoon-feed and baby them with their on-boarding paperwork when actually, everything can be done as smooth as easy it is online. Filing up forms can eat the rest of their first day when it shouldn’t have to because this time can be used to encourage them to participate and be active to their new job.
Making use of technology to aide with all the paperwork is the ultimate life-saver. The goal is to make them spend as less time as possible with all these profiling and information gathering and make them start working and interacting with real people in the real working scenarios.
Mentoring can be a good idea. Employees can improve a lot if they actually have not just a trainer but someone who can give them advice (careful not to spoon-feed)
Updating Employee Information
Dealing with your employee profile and personal information is definitely not stressful and heavy duty. It can actually be quick and easy as a kid’s ABC.
Doing the tracking of employee information manually will obviously take a lot of time, but you can save yourself a day if you just come up with the system and let the employees handle it by themselves. A hundred pair of hands is obviously better than one. Let them manage and update their own profiles. It’s as easy as that.
It’s another way of getting your employees do their work to the point that they will feel empowered. This means a lot.
Power yourself with modern enrollment technology
Benefits enrollment is another nightmare you have to deal with. The good thing is, it doesn’t have to be as bloody as it may seem. New hires and even existing employees fill the HR with a lot of enrollment questions most of the time. So you have to get something to lessen the burden.
With modern enrollment technology, you can ease everything by having a system with an electronic signup that will directly connect your employees with benefits experts that will answer for you as you integrate your benefits system with payroll.
From Records up to Paying up.
One problem that you might encounter is that many employees are bad at recalling and recording the hours they work accurately.
In fact, timesheet/s aren’t always as reliable because its accuracy can be altered by human error.Actually, this work doesn’t have to be stressful for you and for your employees.
On the other hand, you can have an accurate time tracking while allowing employees to record their time electronically each day and make it a simple, automated process.
Also, with a time tracking system that integrates with payroll directly, you don’t have to waste time cutting checks or offering direct deposit.
Time-off request is another thing, but with an integrated system, you can hit 2 birds with one stone and manage all these time-consuming works
The tip is you can allow your employees to personally submit requests electronically. It can also give way to faster approval and automated documentation in payroll. Using a program will allow your employees to see your company time off policies and changes. Through here they can also check holidays and how much PTO they have left so they will be informed to manage their time off more effectively.