Taking care of its employees’ happiness and well-being is one vital action that companies have to make to survive the COVID-19 pandemic. Giving importance to them in the most challenging time of the year helps them get motivated to keep working. This is also the key to preserving the longevity of your operations.
It is not much of an issue for companies before because losing one or two employees due to negative experience and lack of support doesn’t feel like a big deal so but a lot has changed now and even a health or economic crisis won’t stop them from leaving and breaking free from poor treatment.
A group of countries conducted a study to evaluate companies around the globe and look for role models that have successfully implemented programs and established work setups that greatly benefited their employees leading to an increase in productivity and the growth of the business.
There is a certain criterion that they looked into to determine whether the company managed its workforce efficiently. It included the workload on every employee, the mental and emotional load on them, the physical efforts exerted by them, their relationship with supervisors, their flexibility at work, and their feedback regarding their company.
Based on the evaluation of hundreds of companies, the union of countries has come up with certain model characteristics which they think are vital and should be followed by others to truly care for their employees. Here are some:
- They positively adapt and creatively reinvent themselves in the event of conflicts.
- They offer programs to help achieve psychosocial health and safety for their employees. These give balance in their physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and financial state of being.
- They shape their organizational environment to cultivate the development and growth of their employees.
- They reinforce and promote a work environment that’s positive, united, and trusting.
Aside from that, there are also some good practices found to be recommendable to achieve the traits listed above. These are essential for organizations to boost the happiness levels of their workers.
- Conduct an emotional evaluation among employees.
- Designate ambassadors who embody the organizational values and ideal behaviors.
- Include gratitude to organizational initiatives.
- Listen and reward employees for their exemplary performance which helped improve the organization’s processes.
- Help employees find their purpose and connect it with that of the organization.
- Initiate employee training on how to be happy and to feel complete.
- Make all employees experience personalized emotional support to boost their psychosocial health.
- Help reconnect people who are disengaged from the organization towards a more positive future.
- Use technology to motivate better employee well-being.
- Develop organizational habits and discipline to ensure that results are achieved in a positive way and without causing stress to the employees.
Employees are the life-blood of any business organization. In the time of a health crisis, it is time for companies to improve their employee programs as a way of look after their staff. This will prepare your organization in dealing with challenges that will arise to test your resilience and help solidify your company as one working team.