Myths regardless where it came from and what its all about have only two tendencies. It is either proven or debunked.
Today, access to information is easier than any piece of cake. Not like before where in-depth study is always required, now’s different because the spread of information is very wide that you don’t have to look for it because sometimes it is the data that comes to you. However, it can be tricky researching job hunting tips online, where advice can be contradictory, obsolete or given by writers with no real expertise in human resources. Some pointers may even hurt your chances at an interview.
So here we will tackle and disprove a few commonly encountered tips that are actually false or outdated, but that many job hunters still follow today. Read these insights for a better understanding of how to land your dream.
Stop Pretending that You’re Perfect
The need to be seen as great at everything when applying for a job is a BIG NO-NO. The reality is that when a candidate is totally honest about what they can do and what they cannot as well as when they’re vulnerable with their strengths and weaknesses, they come out to be stronger. Being authentic and real about yourself is the biggest strength you can show. Nobody’s perfect, so don’t try to be. It also better to be a doer more than just a talker.
Behavior And Personality can match Skills
The greatest myth in today’s job market is the old-fashioned notion that skills and experience are the most important to prospective employers. More and more, employers are concerned with cultural fit and subsequently focus more on behavior and personality. Skills can be taught and new staff can be trained. So while skills and experience are important, they alone may not set you apart.
Interviews must be a Dialogue, Not A One-Way Sales Pitch
Many people approach the interview process as an attempt to win the employer over, but this is a bad idea for both parties. Interviewing should be a two-way communication which aims to evaluate a potential match, not only for the employer, but also for the applicant. Applicants should be asking questions as well to the employer to help them determine if the opportunity presented is the right fit for their goals as well.
There are better Job Opportunities present Offline
One myth about the job-hunting process that must be kept out of mind immediately is that the best opportunities are said to be commonly found online. Depending on which study you subscribe to, anywhere from 70% to 85% of jobs are filled via networking versus traditional online job applications. Worse still, the majority of jobs are not publicly posted for all job seekers to see, which further supports the value of professional networks.
Coming from a Top School Doesn’t Guarantee you a Good Job
One common belief is that graduates from top schools possess an advantage and are more like to get their first choice. However, the prestige of your school is not always a consideration. Hiring managers tend to place greater emphasis on the skills on your resume and the way you present yourself in the interview. In many cases, they will even prioritize your soft skills over your experience. Remember, skills can be taught, character cannot. In fact, studies show that employers tend to hire grads from state universities more than private ones. Believe it or not, this is a fact for more than a couple of years now.