Role of Pre-Employment Assessments on finding the Best Talent - Visita Solutions

Role of Pre-Employment Assessments on finding the Best Talent

For years, assessment where used by organizations to save time when looking into a roster of applicants picking out only who they think is enough while only looking through profile and resumes. It is frequently used as an easy way-out to eliminate the burden of choosing like they are always in some kind of a rush. It’s a wonder why they always seem impatient about it.

But, if we come to think of it, there’s also a possibility that we might have overlooked some of these applicant so there’s a possibility that we might not have seen the best of them yet through this resume. Also, there seems to be a problem on the perspective of companies where they look for candidates with best credentials or those who have the closest qualities to what they have been looking for so they often set aside the opportunity of looking for those with great potential which can benefit them with the proper training and polishing.

So, how can we now use assessments to find the “Best” Talent? Well, before an organization starts using pre-employment assessments to highlight talent, they should examine four key areas of their recruiting strategy.

Consider conducting cognitive ability assessments earlier in the hiring process

According to studies organizations have this dilemma where they have jobs that they can’t fill and they struggle because they cannot seem to find candidates that will fit on the role. Where in fact, there is an easy and effective solution which is to apply cognitive ability assessments after looking for candidates with high potentials to learned and be trained. This assessment can help uncover that candidate’s potential to make them effective and qualified. In short, aside from looking for quality, why not be the one who makes it?  This would be possible when combines with proper interview and assessment. Try including behavioral career development interview questions. Ask employees about their past experience and share stories about what they’ve learned.

Intervene with training to everyone involved in administering and evaluating a candidate’s assessment results

It is also important that you guide and train those who will be assessing the candidates to make sure you share the same objectives and you follow the same guidelines. It’s also essential for everyone to be able to read, understand, and react to the results of the assessment harmoniously. So, when the time comes and the candidate becomes an employee, the company could use the cognitive ability assessment results as part of a personalized on boarding journey map for the new employee. This can be considered as part of a career development plan for them.

If we just give attention to it, pre-employment assessments really help organizations find the best talent. But what they have to keep in mind is that of using an assessment is not about picking people out of the process, but instead, using assessments to bring people in.

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